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Stony Creek Hero [Stony Creek 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8
Stony Creek Hero [Stony Creek 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online
Page 8
Suddenly a scream shattered the quietness of the night air. He heard what sounded like a scuffle of moving furniture, glass breaking, and another scream from Lizzie. Rage like he had never felt before exploded through his system, making thought impossible as he flung the flowers and wine to the ground.
“Lizzie!” he hollered at the top of his lungs.
He backed up two feet and just rammed himself right through her door, breaking it clear out of the frame. He was expecting to have to place an immediate call to Sly Mulligan or Nat Winston, sheriff and deputy respectively, as he was about to kill someone. The house was pitch black when he heard the sweetest sound in the world call out to him.
“Please don’t step on me, Ben. I am down here.”
Ben was about to tear through her house in an effort to get to her when he heard her. He shifted his gaze down to the floor where he spied her in the dimness as his eyes adjusted.
“Baby, let me get you out of here. You are safe now. Where is the fucker? I won’t let anything happen to you. Come out you, asshole!”
“Ssh, Lizzie, I am trying to hear where he is.”
“Baby, I can’t hear when you are talking.”
“There isn’t anyone here. I tripped while trying to go find out why the power went out when you knocked. I got startled, tripped over the chair, broke the flashlight, and that’s all. I swear.”
“No one hurt you, baby?” he growled out, almost unwilling to believe her simple explanation, his protective need to hurt someone riding him hard.
“No one hurt me except myself. I injured my butt and my pride,” she said sheepishly.
Ben squatted down in front of her, his eyes having adjusted well to the dark. She was an angel. No, a sex siren meant to enslave him. She lay sprawled out on her back while slightly leaning up on her elbows. Her legs were bent at the knees and spread apart, affording him a jaw-dropping view of her smooth pussy. His breath caught as he was unable to tear his eyes from it. If he lowered completely to his knees, he could lean forward and run his tongue up and down her slit, tasting her decadence for the first time. Fuck. He had to get ahold of himself. His cock hardened, jerking to life as he just barely made out a slight glisten as she must have realized the suggestiveness of her current position and his apparent interest. She really must lust after him as he was dying for her. Shit. He could manage his own raging lust only by a thread. How the hell was he going to control hers? Shaking his head to hopefully clear his thoughts he swooped in with one arm behind her back and the other under her knees, lifting right off the floor.
“Ben, put me down or you will break your back.”
He gave her a look that basically said that he thought she was crazy.
“Why are the lights out?”
“If you had listened, you big lug, you would have heard me say that is why I had the flashlight. I was going to investigate.”
He let out a snort and then got angry. “Dressed like that?” He didn’t mean to yell that out but he couldn’t believe that if she suspected that someone might be outside her home, not only was she going to confront the person but that she was going to do it only in that damned robe as well!
“Where are the candles, Lizzie?”
“They are in the kitchen. Put me down and I will go light a few so you don’t hit anything. Ben, put me down. Are you listening to me? Hello?”
Ben marched himself right into her cozy little kitchen and sat her on the counter trying desperately to ignore the feel of her naked curves under the barely there material. He felt his fingers brush by the side of her breast and the naked skin under her thighs where the robe didn’t cover. She shivered slightly as well, making him very aware of her body’s response to his touch. Fuck! He could have her spread out on the counter and eat her for dinner instead of the food. She smelled like jasmine and that incredible scent of woman.
Lizzie reached over and lit two candles from the stove burners. At least they all still worked. She laughed silently to herself. Sheepishly, she raised her eyes to look at her would-be savior. Wow, he looked good enough to eat. His shirt stretched tightly across the rock-hard expanse of his muscular chest. He was one of the few men in the world to possess one of those broad and long upper bodies that made him look like a Greek god. His shirt was tucked into jeans that made him look like a sin one would need to confess for, how they displayed his huge erection in every detail. Darn it. Maybe she would be just a notch on his bedpost because right now, he was the only water that could end her drought. He was delectable. Men didn’t have the right to make a woman’s heart flutter the way hers was right now. She put her hand over her heart in a silent gesture to calm herself down. She looked up into his eyes and was taken aback by the blazing emotion that she saw in them. It was a mixture of lust and rage, not a good combination on other men but since she had all the trust in the world for Ben, it was an aphrodisiac like nothing she could imagine. Right there on her counter, she felt arousal begin to pour from her as his hands slid gently down her arms. Tingles followed every inch that they touched as he just stood there trying to regain some semblance of control.
“Why are you still wearing your barely there robe to check on potential intruders?”
“I was running late, Ben, not trying to entice whoever you think might have been out there.”
“Well, you shouldn’t walk around the house alone wearing that thing,” Ben ground out through his clenched teeth.
“Why not?”
“Because why?”
“Just because!”
“Because why, Ben?”
“I said so, that’s why.”
“So what?” Ben almost yelled out exasperated with the ridiculous conversation they were having.
Lizzie started laughing at the inane conversation and his frustration with her attire. “You are acting like a man who is possessed, Ben.” Lizzie shifted her hand to her hip and gave him a death stare. “What is really the problem here, Ben? Just find your inner girl and actually communicate for heaven’s sake already! It’s not going to kill you, you know.”
With no warning, Ben suddenly gripped her by lapels of her robe and pulled her silk-encased body flush with his as her wet thighs spread to cradle his hips. His mouth descended onto hers with his barely restrained arousal guiding his actions. Their mouths blended together as her hands slid up the front of his chest caressing his muscular form, eliciting a groan from him as her hands roamed his heated flesh. She finally was able to touch and explore his body as she liked and if he had to guess from her response, she definitely liked what she found. He felt arrogant pride as he heard her moan into his mouth as he sucked her tongue into the recesses of his mouth while allowing his right hand to slide over the silk to roughly cup her breast in his palm. His fingers tried to close over the entire plump globe as he massaged, molded, and savored the feeling of finally touching her the way his mind and body were telling him that he needed to. Over and over his finger plucked at her nipple which was ripping erotic mewls of pleasure from the back of her throat. His other hand yanked up the back of the robe, forcing her to sit with her bare cheeks against the cool countertop. He knew evilly that the cold would sensitize her further as the heat from her arousal would war with the cool sensation. Not for long as his other hand eased over the top of her thighs as he tilted her back so his hungry eyes could graze her smooth mound. He growled from the decadent sensations pummeling his body as he felt his fingers slide over her moist lips, made easy by the plentiful juices soaking her.
Lizzie ripped her lips from his to gasp as he plunged one finger into her dripping channel while rolling his thumb over her sensitive nub. Her breathing hitched with her lips parted as she tightened her legs on his hips, as though desperate to pull his cock closer as he inserted now two fingers into her trembling body.
“Ben, Ben, what are you
doing to me?” she moaned out, rolling her hips erotically under his skilled ministrations, her eyes now half closed under his erotic onslaught.
“I am teaching you a lesson, baby. Look at me,” he demanded roughly.
Her lust-glazed eyes looked up into his, now visible in the flickering candlelight. He knew that he looked wild, aroused, and male, definitely male and barely in control. She liked it. She must be shocking herself as she came to realize that she liked it a lot, Ben thought approvingly.
“Never are you to risk yourself ever again. Never. You are too precious. Never are you to risk what is mine and you, baby, are most certainly mine.” He squeezed her breast with an almost ruthless intent while curling his fingers through her juices to rub erotically on her G-spot. Ben watched as she held her breath while she waited desperately for him to pull her over the edge of her pleasure.
“This is all for me alone,” he said indicating her whole body with a sweep of his hand. “This breast, this pussy, and you are all mine. Mine! Now come for me.” Ben felt her body clenched at the power and control of his gently spoken command, knowing that there would be electric streaks of pleasure racing through her limbs. He felt her body violently clenching on his fingers, prompting him to declare to her, his voice rough with his own unfulfilled need.
“Hot holy hell, you are the most fuckable thing I have ever held in my arms.”
She couldn’t stop trembling as he eased her down from the lofty heights of liquid satiation from which he had brought her to yet again. Her breathing was ragged and she now clung to his sweaty, reassuring strength. His eyes were hooded as his engorged member pulsed against her soaking pussy, dampening the front of his jeans. He leaned his forehead against her and drew in several deep breaths, tenderly placing light kisses on her lips, eyelids, and by her ears.
Her hands slid down his belly, her nails etching over the hard ridges of his abdomen, on their quest to give him pleasure as well. He placed his hand over hers as she ran her palm up and down his rigid length. She thought he was about to pull her hand away when he pressed his right over the top of hers and increased the pace and pressure of her stroke. The moment felt surreal to her as he silently helped her, even now, to learn about him and his body while maintaining their intimacy. Lizzie leaned back, trying to find the release to his buckle when he took a sudden step back from the counter, breaking their connection.
He stared at her as though he had never seen her before. She sat there like a wanton goddess with her abundant soft breasts teasing his eyes while he eyed the swollen, wet lips of her mouth that matched the swollen, wet lips of her core. It had to be the most fucking carnally arousing site he had ever seen.
“Ben, please let me touch you. I need to,” she beseeched him.
He felt himself crumble with all his good intentions lost at her entreated plea. She slid to her knees, and he rotated around so now it was his hips that leaned against the same span of counter that he had just given Lizzie her soft, sated expression. He threaded his fingers in her thick, silken hair as her hands began to explore the muscled planes of his chest and belly again.
Lizzie felt drunk with power and pride that she could have an effect on a man like Benjamin Powell and that she was the only one who got to touch him. She trembled from wanting him. Fresh moisture ran from her molten core as she became more aroused at the feel of his incredible physique under her hands. Long daily hours had sculpted the man as though from rock leaving him to be a walking work of art. Suddenly feeling unsure again, she wasn’t sure that she could compete with the array of stunning women that this amazing man had already known. Add to the fact that she didn’t have so much experience with this sort of intimacy. What if he found her lacking? Lizzie let her eyes shutter for a moment as she did battle with the insecurities that were festering within her.
Sensing a change in her energy, Ben leaned down and pulled her up to a standing position enfolded within his embrace.
“It’s okay, baby. You don’t have to. It’s okay, don’t worry,” Ben crooned to her, trying to provide comfort, even in his state of unrelieved arousal. He lightly allowed his lips to kiss over the top of her hair while taking deep, cleansing breaths to not only calm down but also to savor her scent.
“Oh, Ben. I want to, really really want to but…”
“But what, sweetheart?” Ben delicately asked.
Not sure on how to proceed, Lizzie decided that honesty was the best policy. It was better to start something, whatever it was, with this amazing man, and always be truthful, no lies, no withholding.
“Well, we both know you have dated a little more than I have.”
Ben let out a soft laugh. “That would be a ginormous understatement, baby.”
Laughing a little herself, Lizzie continued with her face buried in the muscled wall of his chest. “Ben, what I am trying to say by pointing that out is not to make you uncomfortable but rather that I am somewhat afraid. What if you bore of me as I may not be as, um, ‘experienced’ as some others were? I know that I am not as beautiful as some of the women you have known and I…”
Dropping his arms he repositioned them onto her hips and impressively lifted her up to be at eye level with him.
“Lizzie, I am only going to tell you this once without repercussions. You know how I love your ass and love to make it hot pink from a spanking. You are the most desirable woman I have ever known. I have never wanted a woman in the way I want you. I have never needed a woman like I need to have you. Never. As for experience, well, I think we can practice the ‘learn as you go method.’ In fact, I kind of prefer that. I like knowing that it’s me who teaches you those intimate things. The possessive man in me loves it, a lot. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, but you never have to be afraid of anything when you are with me, baby, not one thing. I will try never to hurt you. Okay?”
She was a little taken aback by his understanding of her insecurities. She gave a small nod and felt herself being lowered back down to the floor. Boy those well-earned muscles sure came in handy for him. Ben could handle her like she weighed ten pounds. With that, a small amount of devilment and confidence came back to her. She glanced down to see that her pause had not damped his blatant state of arousal one degree if his huge erection was any indication. As she stared at it, enthralled, she saw it pulse in the confines of his pants. A tremor of liquid desire shot through her at seeing it move while under her observation.
Lizzie fixed a naughty grin to her face and held his gaze as she slid back down to her knees. His own was unreadable, as though etched in a tense expression as she worked his buckle free. She heard his intake of breath as she carefully slid his zipper down, cautious due to his size. The man was killing her with surprises tonight. His angry, thick cock bounced free from his jeans that she was pushing down his legs, as he had gone commando. Lizzie licked her lips and lowered her gaze to take in his monster proportions. What the hell was she going to do with this thing? She couldn’t even make her fingers meet when she wrapped her hand around it. He let out a groan as she began to caress its soft skin in up and down motions with a slight twist.
“That’s it, baby. Just like that. You feel so good touching me, Lizzie, like nothing I have ever felt.”
Lizzie felt bolstered in her determination to please him as he praised her touch. So much so that she leaned forward and lightly ran her tongue over the broad head that was weeping small beads of his creamy arousal. She tasted him and closed her eyes momentarily at her own pleasure at exploring this new intimacy with him. Time to startle him, she thought. With a display of self-confidence that she didn’t feel, she opened her mouth and attempted to swallow him to the back of her throat, allowing her lips to slowly slide along his tangy skin. She felt his body shudder as both of his hands threaded in her hair, tightening and relaxing.
“No experience my ass,” he growled out in his enjoyment at her ministrations.
Lizzie continued on with more enthusiasm. She started pulling her warm, wet mouth almost all the
way off before returning to slide slowly back down to his base. She could tell it was pleasurable to him as his hands on her tightened yet again. Using her tongue she slid down his hard length over and over again, drawing groans of pleasure from her Ben. Hers. She silently gave thanks that she could taste, touch, and feel this man of her dreams. Lizzie couldn’t hold back her own rush of satisfaction at that thought. He was here with her now, pleasuring her in ways that she could never have imagined. She tightened her lips and sucked hard on the next downward plunge. Reaching up, she lightly began exploring the soft sack that hung from underneath his hard erection.
“Baby, that is going to make me come, hard. Stop that or I am going to mark you as mine sooner than I wanted to,” he ground out, his voice now even deeper with his impending release.
Instead, she cupped her hand tighter while sliding her finger to the sensitive skin just behind the tightening sack. His hands gripped her head as he took over and thrust determinedly into her wet mouth.
Ben thought if it was possible to die from too much pleasure, it was going to be now. He should have written his will. Small beads of sweat were running down his spine and temples as he not only felt but watched his little minx giving him more exquisite satisfaction than he had ever received. She fit him perfectly as he pumped into her willing mouth, feeling his balls begin to draw up as electric sensations began to ignite in his cock.
He growled out possessively, “Mine, Lizzie, you are mine. Take my seed.”
Lizzie moaned in her pleasure as he began to tremble. Long ropes of come spurted out of his cock into the heaven that was her mouth as he ground against her in his ecstasy. Lizzie swallowed over and over again to take it all in as he had directed. He gentled his hands in her hair as his thrusts slowed to a lazy pace, softly sliding in and out pleasurably. Lazy satisfaction began to permeate from his soul.