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Stony Creek Hero [Stony Creek 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

  In the sultriest voice he had ever heard her use at him he heard her say, “Hello, Ben.” Hello, Ben, yup, that was all it took for him to go from really aroused to needing to fuck her senseless against the nearest hard surface. Wow, something had gotten into her and he liked it. He hoped that soon he would give himself leave to be the one getting into her. Ugh, he had to stop thinking like that or go mad.

  “Hello, Lizzie. You are looking positively beautiful today. Well, you always look beautiful to me. So, are you going to torture me with only small glimpses of the bountiful charms I was privileged to see yesterday?” he said as he deliberately lowered his hot gaze to her abundant cleavage. He felt his heart clench as she began to blush at his reminder. Ah, so she was still a bit shy with him about that intimacy. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

  “Shall I seat you at your usual table or would you like to sit with Mabel and the girls?” she questioned him saucily, giving her head a tilt.

  “The only girl I am interested in sitting with is the gorgeous owner of this establishment. She is the only one who will satisfy my hunger at the moment I am afraid, no matter how tempting the more mature matrons of our town are. Hello, ladies!” he called out.

  A chorus of feminine laughter was heard throughout the restaurant. Now it was Ben’s turn to blush as he usually was a bit more reserved and quieter than most, unaccustomed to being the center of attention. Lizzie smiled at his embarrassment and led him to his table. When she went to walk away, he gently grabbed her hand, pulling her to sit across from him while he placed his order with a very interested Mimi.

  Lizzie felt electric sizzles run up her arm as Ben’s thumb swiped the sensitive flesh on the inside of her wrist before letting go. She looked up only to notice the unwavering attention of all the ladies at the nearby tables being centered directly on them.

  With a firm flick of her hands, she made a waving motion. “Shoo shoo, go back to gossiping, you yentas!”

  “Yentas? Isn’t there something about a pot and being black?” Ben said with a teasing glint in his eyes. He couldn’t stop eating her up with his gaze. There was something about her, a change. It was as though she had come to some sort of decision about him.

  “Well, I wanted privacy to talk to you about some things and it doesn’t require the staff of the Stony Creek Gazette.”

  “We don’t have a newspaper.” Ben smiled.

  “We will if they find that they have enough to gossip about, trust me on this one, Ben.”

  Leaning back in his chair, he leveled a confident glance at Lizzie. “So what did you want to talk about then, sweetheart? Could it be about my offer? I am very interested in your opinion on that but I much prefer to discuss how much I like it when your red silk robe isn’t quite closed properly. I would rather discuss that if I am being given a choice,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Ben! Stop bringing that up! You are embarrassing me.”

  Having the decency to look at least slightly chagrined, he smiled gently at her. “Sorry, I just can’t seem to get my new business partner off of my mind. If I was ever asked to design something that I could have invested in, had I the talent, I would have drawn you. You are a priceless work of art and I have a hard time not appreciating something so fine.”

  Choosing to ignore the later comment, Lizzie’s eyes took on a shocked look. “What makes you think that I am accepting your offer, you arrogant brute?”

  “Well, you are a very smart woman and know a decent option when you see it. Am I wrong?”

  Tears pooled in Lizzie’s eyes. “No, Ben, it’s just that I feel afraid. No one has ever helped me before, offered me safety before. Why are you doing it? What are your motives? It makes me unsure.”

  Without warning, Ben stood and pulled Lizzie down the hallway behind him at a very swift pace. Spying her small office door, he pulled her in and quickly shut the door.

  “What are you doing, Ben?” Lizzie asked in alarm.

  With his six-foot-five-inch frame towering over her petite five-foot-four-inch one, he wrapped one arm tightly around her waist and hoisted her up to meet his intense gaze.

  “I’m protecting my investment.”

  With no other comment he swooped in and allowed his lips to envelop hers in a heated kiss. His sculpted arms held her mashed up against the hardness of his chest while his tongue found its way into her mouth, ravenously stroking against hers. This was no gentle assurance. This was hunger. Now that he had her agreement, he just couldn’t hold back anymore. He slashed his lips over hers while trying to taste her very essence. Mine. She finally is all mine, he thought to himself. He felt like he couldn’t get close enough to her as he used his other hand to clasp the globe of her ass to force her liquid warmth in direct contact to his body. Lizzie wrapped her legs tightly around Ben’s waist, caught up in his sudden arousing ambush. She ground her hips against him as he plundered her mouth. He was relentless as he savored her taste by swirling his tongue on hers in a pattern to match the rotation of their groins. Her clit was rubbing over and over again against his belt buckle in the most delicious way, rapidly causing her to gush out her cream in response. Panties damp, breathing ragged, and bodies grinding all in a matter of two minutes.

  Ben tried to reason with himself that he needed to pull away from the most incredible set of lips he had ever tasted. Now was not the time to ravish this incredible piece of femininity. He needed to be her gentleman, not fuck her on the desk, but she was making it very hard to stop. Making him ridiculously hard in fact, so hard he felt like he was going to rip a hole in his jeans in his desperation to get his monster erection in her silky depths. Never had he wanted a woman this much, this fast. She pulled at him in so many different ways, on so many different levels. She wasn’t helping him keep any of his sanity either. She was apparently very nimble and was giving his cock the dry hump of its life, climbing up and down his body like a stripper pole. They ate at each other’s lips as though starved for their whole lives and finally being allowed their favorite meal. The room was bathed in the sounds of their uneven panting and soft, needy moans.

  Lizzie couldn’t formulate a thought or catch her own breath. This was Ben, her Ben, and he was kissing her as though he was going to die if he didn’t. She felt the fingers on one of his hands grip her hair just on the right side of pain while his other flexed into the cheek of her buttock, massaging her in an erotic fashion that had him grazing her back rosette. Every time his fingers got close to it, she had to squirm in his arms as fresh cream flooded her already dripping folds. He held her crushed against his chest and groin which allowed her to undulate against him, bringing her close to the edge of orgasm. She could almost feel the electric tingles burning out from her core about to explode as his erection pulsed against her.

  “Ben, I need…please, I need,” she whimpered into his ear, softly begging him for her pleasure.

  “I know, baby, take it. Now,” Ben calmly demanded, whispering in her ear.

  She felt as Ben lifted her up slightly to increase the pressure on her tingling clit, controlling her responses with as much ease as he seemed to do everything else. Her body knew its master even if she didn’t yet. Lizzie felt the first pulsing shards of pleasure rip through her trembling limbs.

  “Ben!” Lizzie cried out as she threw her head back in wanton abandon at the sensations causing her pussy to clench as she ground herself mercilessly against Ben’s body. Unbelievable wave after wave of raw pleasure continued to cascade over her small frame as Ben watched with unmasked lust pouring from his gaze. She could hear his rough breath near her ear as she struggled to retain her hold on his hard body as she shivered weakly.

  “Lizzie, fuck. You are killing me. Damn it but I want you,” Ben panted after ripping his mouth from hers.

  What the hell had just happened? He had just witnessed the most desirable woman in the world coming in his arms with an intensity he couldn’t have imagined if he tried. Boy was he an ass. He just wanted to give her one hot kiss to se
al their deal and instead he found himself about to rip open his jeans and pump into her until she was screaming his name again in her ecstasy. It had to be his name. Now why did that memory fill him with a sudden rush of dark, possessive intent, one that he had never felt for a woman? Sure, he wanted to take some of her life’s burdens from her but to possess her? Nah, that wasn’t his style. Or was it? He gripped her hair almost painfully at the thought of another man giving her pleasure as he just had, another man owning her heart and her body. Shit, he was going to have to go out for a ride and figure this one out. He wasn’t as stupid as his brother Jackson, who was afraid of committing to a woman before Billie. Nope, he simply didn’t see himself with just one woman, even the one he held tightly in his arms who was torturing him by kissing along his neck and ear with reckless abandon.

  “Ben, please make love to me. Here, now. I accept your offer, I accept you, just as you are. Please take me,” she implored sweetly, chipping at Ben’s resolve.

  With a calmness he sure wasn’t feeling, he replied, “Take deep breaths, baby. I want you so badly right now, I am afraid everyone in the restaurant is going to get an earful of today’s special and I am not talking food. Damn, woman,” Ben said, trying to be playful. His attempt at regaining control was being undermined by the radiating pressure of his hungry erection that was straining against her belly. Taking another huge breath, Ben leaned down and hugged her to him more gently as he allowed her feet to slide back to the floor.

  “Lizzie,” was all Ben said softly as he swayed gently with her in his arms. With a sheepish grin, he stood up to his full towering height and, with a pained expression, adjusted the evil monster in his jeans.

  She was really trying to look normal, like she just hadn’t had the most intense pleasure of her life while climbing on him like the ropes in gym class. Getting some control over her blush, she shyly looked back up into his gorgeous green eyes, now dark with unfulfilled desire.

  “Ben, don’t you want me?” she asked, feeling as pathetic as she sounded.

  Ben smiled back down at her and gently threaded his fingers with hers. “Baby, I want to take you in so many ways that when I am done, you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. However, I am not here to embarrass you or allow you to become uncomfortable in any way, especially with a restaurant full of customers out there. Ugh, girl customers too! You made good on my offer and I promise to make good on your way more tantalizing offer soon,” he said with a twinkle.

  “But Lizzie, I am going to protect you, even from myself. I don’t usually do the dating thing, you know that. For you though, I am gonna give it a try and step out of my comfort zone. Let me have some time to figure this out. It’s going to be okay, baby, I am going walk out first so the gossips don’t get more fuel for the fire, okay?”

  Great, now she was feeling even more confused than she was before. Protect whom, she thought. She watched Ben give her one last smile as he held his hat strategically over his groin area and walked out the door. Lizzie looked down at the wrinkled piece of paper he must have slipped into her hand while she was in her pleasure coma.

  “Holy Hell!” she almost yelled out. In it was a check for $25,000, made out to her restaurant. He was nuts, certifiable really! She made a beeline for her office door and ran down the hallway to catch that crazy cowboy. All eyes in the dining room shifted immediately in her direction as she burst in like a gangbuster.

  “You just missed him, sweetie!” Mabel hollered out helpfully with a devious smile on her face.

  “Did you both have a nice ‘talk,’ honey? He looked very, what’s the word, Julia? Oh yes I know, he looked, well, hungry, when he left,” Millie supplied naughtily.

  Looking sheepish, she looked for assistance from her own table of feminine support but all she found were smirking faces. Well, Billie’s looked a little green actually.

  Maddy thrust a glass of water in her direction as she plopped herself back down. Knowing glances were tossed from one woman to another at her table.

  “What?” Lizzie snapped at them.

  Smiling sweetly, Beth retorted, “Well, you look a little more relaxed than you did when you left, honey. Flushed, hair mussed, you know. You might want to pull your shirt back into place, your bra is showing. Nice lace.”

  “Ugh, you guys are definitely no help to me whatsoever!” Lizzie declared with a huff.

  On cue as usual, Julia leaned back and whispered, “Lizzie, honey, that man looked positively ravenous. This is your café. I say, take charge of that confused little man, sweetie! Didn’t you want to give him something to ‘eat?’” The senior citizen table broke out in hysterical peals of laughter at the immediate blush that was again suffusing poor Lizzie’s face.

  Apparently the blush was contagious as the frank comments by the more experienced table caused everyone within earshot to turn red with discomfort.

  Lizzie just sighed and leaned her head on her hand with a grin. Maddy chose that moment to come out of her shell a bit.

  “So, I guess sometimes all it takes is a change of clothes to catch a huge hunky fish huh? I have a lot to learn,” Maddy said with a chuckle to herself.

  Chapter Seven

  “May I have your name, sir?”

  The flirty blonde with the artificially inflated bustline smiled invitingly as she addressed Ben. Melanie leaned forward with both of her elbows forcing her already overflowing neckline to indecent proportions while she offered herself up for his viewing pleasure. Ben smiled gently back at the beautiful blonde. Slim, busty, and willing. It was just how he liked his women. Then why weren’t any bells going off in his head or lighting any fires in his pants? Geez, maybe Lizzie was actually a witch who cast spells to ward off other women. She sure had him bewitched because all he could envision were her gorgeous blue eyes, long, rich hair, and natural, soft breasts that made his mouth water.

  “How have you been, Melanie?” Ben answered her politely.

  The simpering woman practically ate him up with her eyes, having had herself a taste of Benjamin Powell last year. She looked like she was practically ready to launch herself over the desktop to participate in a rerun of that episode.

  “I would be doing a whole lot better if you picked me up after work, Mr. Powell,” she answered seductively.

  Ben let out a sigh. He had only enjoyed her body for two or three times but he had lost interest pretty quickly as usual. She was beautiful, but there was nothing else to stimulate his brain or engage him in any other fashion than that of giving his groin a workout. Besides, there had always been another sweet, willing woman to explore. It shocked him that idea was becoming less and less appealing.

  “Ah, ah, you know better than to mix business with pleasure, Melanie.” A much deeper and authoritative voice interrupted their conversation. Melanie lowered her eyes and looked embarrassed at being caught by the bank’s manager but didn’t stop sneaking small peeks at her intended target.

  Trying to pull himself up to his full height in an attempt to appear somewhat intimidating, Mr. Theodore Davis still had to crane his neck all the way up to look at Ben. He had an air of nervousness as he gestured toward his office.

  Ben took a seat, not saying a word. He let his stare stay level on the now perspiring bank manager.

  “Um, what can I do for you, Ben?” Mr. Davis said without preamble.

  Pausing a moment before answering, Ben forced himself to keep his calm mask securely in place. He really just wanted to lean over the desk and punch the pretentious pervert until he was begging for forgiveness. He allowed the nervous banker to sweat it out a moment more to enjoy his intimidation.

  “Well, Theo, I think we both have the privilege of claiming the acquaintance of Ms. Lizzie Carmichael. Yes?”

  “Um, well, yes. You know that I have spoken with her. What about her?” Mr. Davis replied, trying to sound indignant. If possible, he began to give off an even higher level of anxiety as he pushed his papers around on his desk and slid his glasses higher on his pointy nose.
He could practically smell the fear pouring off the smaller man’s body. Ben’s face had a very intense expression on it as he leaned forward with one elbow on the arm of the large wooden chair. The sound of the wooden seat creaking filled the quiet of the room.

  “Well, it’s the ‘about her’ part that should just a polite conversation between men. It’s always better that way, don’t you agree Theo?”

  With a nervous laugh, Mr. Davis answered, “Well, yes. Women are such sweet creatures. They need someone stronger than themselves to help them in this world, you know. They require assistance and I have been trying to give some assistance to Ms. Carmichael.”

  Ben tilted his head, thinking that he would like to shove the banker’s assistance right up his ass with a hot branding iron.

  “Well now, Theo, if you feel the need to provide any further assistance to Ms. Carmichael in the future, you are going to have to address it through me. Do you understand me?” he said in a no-nonsense tone.

  Seeming to Try to bolster some semblance of his confidence, Mr. Davis said, “How dare you? I have a relationship with Lizzie and I am sure that she would not appreciate you taking it upon yourself to monitor her acquaintances.”